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Opening Hours


4:00 PM, 5:15 PM, 6:30 PM


4:00 PM, 5:15 PM, 6:30 PM


2:45 PM, 4:00 PM, 5:15 PM


4:00 PM, 5:15 PM


2:00 PM, 4:00 PM

1400 Eastside Road, Platteville, WI (EDGE Entrance)

Performance Is Science

Personalized performance enhancement program, that focuses on your goals.


1 Session Option


2 Sessions/Week

1 Month = $95 or 3 Months = $275

Unlimited Sessions/Month

1 Month = $130 or 3 Months = $375

Family Savings, 10% off with 2 or more participants

School Year Sessions  

4:00 PM4:00 PM2:45 PM4:00 PM2:00 PM
5:15 PM5:15 PM4:00 PM5:15 PM4:00 PM
6:30 PM6:30 PM5:15 PM

Return to Sports Program

This program was developed by athletic trainers, physical therapists, sports performance trainers, and reviewed by Dr. Lindsey to assist with returning an athlete to full competition following ACL surgery. The program bridges the gap between completion of Physical Therapy and full return to sports competition. The program typically begins about 4-month post-surgery and can last 6-12 weeks. Athletes will be challenged to regain full functional strength, balance, explosiveness and confidence to return to their sport.

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